About this blog


Unfortunately, this is not an english translation of the content of my blog, but just a few words about what this is!

In this blog I write about me and my 24 feet long boat, an old norwegian built small motorboat from the Nidelv boatbuilders. The boat is from 1974 (while I am from 1963…) and have a max speed of only 7 knots. I bought it in october 2013.

In april 2019 I sold the first boat and bought another, slightly larger, a Tresjord 29 feet with AC from 1981. Max speed is 17 knots.

I write about the trips I take with the boat, alone or with my kids and friends, and takes a lot of photos from almost all trips.
I also write about my thoughts about boating, trips, repairs and upgrading and so on.

Unfortunately, I only write in norwegian, it will take too much time to write all this stuff in english! But if you click on “Bilder” in the menu, you can at least look at my photos from the trips!

If you have any questions, please use the online e-mail-form which you can acess by clicking on “Kontakt meg” in the menu!

I live in Nesodden just outside the norwegian capital Oslo. I’m born in 1963 and have three kids. I work as a journalist and boating and drumming are my main hobbies.

In april 2015 I had to amputate my right foot below the knee, and in july the same year I had to amputate my left big toe. But I’m still boating and enjoying life!

Per-Helge aka Pequod


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